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We have helped thousands of people in the Metro Boston Area find pain relief & recover from accident injuries.
Receive a full examination and diagnosis of your injury followed by a customized treatment plan of chiropractic care.
Our team of professionals work with personal injury attorneys to ensure your bills get paid.
High Savings Potenstial
Darcel Ballentine
Barone LLC.
Leatrice Handler
Acme Co.
Book Your
A Call today keeps
the pain away
Schedule a $0 out-of-pocket consultation with us today!
We specialize in treating auto injuries, call us we can help!
We treat various injuries that result from auto accidents, including: whiplash, herniated disc, and many soft tissue injuries.
(617) 629-2600
707 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02144
2972 Westheimer Rd. Santa